j a k i c o f f e y
designer / maker
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9 flat, forced perspective skips. powder coated copper, magnetic backs and magnetic found object 'rubbish'
golden forced perspective skip : 2014 : gold plated copper, magnetic backs and magnetic found object 'rubbish'
3 box skip brooches with magnetic backs : 2014 : Powdercoated copper and steel.
neck piece with option of detaching skip brooch from hidden magnet : gold plated copper, found objects, magnets
forced perspective skip brooch : 2014 : powder coated steel and copper, magnets and found objects
golden forced perspective skip brooch : 2014 : gold plated copper and steel, magnetic backs and magnetic found object 'rubbish'
skip brooch detail : 2014 : powder coated steel and copper, magnets and found objects
neck pieces with option of attaching skip brooch via hidden magnet : gold plated copper, found objects, magnets
neck piece with option of attaching skip brooch via hidden magnet : 2014 : gold plated copper, found objects, magnets